Thursday, February 26, 2009

He Is A Good Man

We were supposed to write a speech for declamation praising or blaming/denouncing someone or something using the figures of speech we just learned. I chose my dad.

The most amazing person I know is my dad. He will never praise himself, his family can't say enough good things about him. He is a prosecutor in the Santa Fe district attorney's office, a loving father, a faithful husband, and a strong Christian. Over the years our family has had, like all families do, difficulties. When my parents were in a situation that would have torn apart most marriages my dad was the glue that kept them together. Last year he got a job 250 miles away from where we were then living, and every Friday he drove home to see Mama and me, then worked hard to get the house ready to sell, and then on Sunday drove the 250 miles back to work. While we were getting ready to move Daddy, being his normal helpful self, stayed with my grandparents. He cooked, cleaned, did laundry, even dealt with their health problems at the hospital.
Recently Mama and Daddy joined a CREC mission church after spending several years at a non-denominational church. The difference in my dad is amazing; he is around strong Christian men and he is becoming even more confident in his role in the church. To my sister and me he is more than a father, he's a friend. He is determined that we will know how to manage our money so he taught us.
The absolute best thing about him is his ability, whether it's work, parenting, marriage, or faith, to stick with what he's doing even if it's unpleasant.

Here are the figures I used: Climax (prosecutor, father, husband, Christian), Anastrophe (like all families do), Metaphor (the glue that held them together), Polysyndeton (cooked, cleaned...; parenting, marriage...), Apposition (difference, becoming more confident), Alliteration (father, friend), Ellipsis (...taught us.).

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thump, Bump, Bump.

The sky was gray and glowing. A light breeze swirled the snow in little tizzies. The day was shaping up to be one of the best yet. Friends, food, games and movies were all on the agenda.

Getting inside and changing out of fancy clothes was all that was wanted. Steep, narrow concrete steps were the only obstacle between Elaine and her goal. Holding her coffee mug and carrying her bag in front of her she made her way along the deck towards the steps. As she made her way down the stairs her mind was occupied with what she would do when she got inside. As she was about to reach the point where the stairs curved around she misjudged where her foot was placed on the step and instead of having her weight land on the middle of the step she stepped on the front.

The world went spinning as her foot slipped out from underneath her and her weight precipitated her headfirst down the stairs. She heard a loud crack as her mug slammed against the concrete. Her bag was sandwiched between her ribs and the concrete. Her right hand shot out to save her as she prayed that she wouldn't go head over heels. Knees and shins were bouncing and scraping behind her as she skidded toward the bottom and came to rest.

Her mind whirled as she tried to grasp what just happened. Her shoe was caught on her skirt, she couldn't feel her right hand, and her left knee was tingling. Her brain screamed but her mouth couldn't form the word “HELP!” All that came out was a whimpering moan. As her moans grew louder her roommate came to the rescue.

The sky was dull and gray. A chill wind whipped the snow around in circles. The day was turning into one of the worst yet. First aid, ice packs, medicine and sleeping were now on the agenda.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I discovered something interesting about myself today: I am a question mark.

You Are a Question Mark

You seek knowledge and insight in every form possible. You love learning.
And while you know a lot, you don't act like a know it all. You're open to learning you're wrong.

You ask a lot of questions, collect a lot of data, and always dig deep to find out more.
You're naturally curious and inquisitive. You jump to ask a question when the opportunity arises.

Your friends see you as interesting, insightful, and thought provoking.
(But they're not always up for the intense inquisitions that you love!)

You excel in: Higher education

You get along best with: The Comma

Friday, February 13, 2009

All Things Bright and Beautiful




New Mexico

New Mexico